The first thing which hits you when entering the main square of Verona is the Arena. The Arena is a smaller version of the Coliseum. However unlike its Roman counterpart the interior of the Arena is still intact. Originally used for Gladiatorial battles it is now used as an Opera house during the summer months.
Ben Greenwood enjoying his chocolate mousse
Across from the Arena was an outdoor Café with the some of the best chocolate mousse. I had a spoonful and I must agree that it is worthy of its title of World’s Best. At €5.80 and a €1.80 service fee, Ben and James give this dessert two thumbs up.
Tons of lovers’ letters pasting the archway leading to Juliette’s balcony.
As you are probably aware Verona is the location of the story of Romeo and Juliette. During our walking tour of the city we saw the real residences of both families. While the truth behind the story is highly debatable it is true that the Montague and Capulet families both lived in Verona. Every year the 50 best letters on the archway leading to the statue of Juliette are selected and their author’s are invited back to Verona. For some reason our tour guide thought we had never heard the story and decided to tell it to us during our bus tour coming down from Santuario Nostra Signora di Lourdes.
The group going up to the altar to sing at Santuario Nostra Signora di Lourdes.When we got to Santuario Nostra Signora di Lourdes we were allowed to have an impromptu concert. We sang for the small group of worshipers and the parish priests.
A group of Glee Clubbers rest after singing inside of Santuario Nostra Signora di Lourdes.
Sadly today was a very rainy day in Venice. However the rain let up during our walking tours and most of the free time we had when we first arrived in the city. Venice is not one island, but actually a series of 120 islands. On each island there was typically a square with a bell tower and at least one well. The main square was Saint Mark’s Square, in the second picture below.
The two pillars of Venice in Saint Mark’s Square. Walking between them is considered “ill luck” because prisoner’s used to be executed in between them,
The wells were once used to capture rain water for the local populace since there is no suitable ground water in Venice for drinking. Also during the walking tour we saw the houses of two famous Venetians, Marco Polo and Casanova.
Marco Polo's possible doorway.Casanova's house for 9 of his years in Venice.
This next part is really only for the guys in Glee Club, Lauren and the Hill family, but if you want to see the typical day in the life of a Glee Clubber on tour go ahead and venture on.
great photos, love seeing all your activities!!!!!!