Thursday, May 6, 2010

Roma Part Due

Today was our second and, unfortunately, last day in Roma. After throwing the obligatory coin over our obligatory shoulder into the Trevi fountain, we were free to explore and jaywalk to our hearts' desires. One thing we have definitely noticed about the Italian driving (or, as Elizabetta put it, the "artistic expression on the roads") is that it is just a big game of chicken. When it comes down to it, it is just about who wants it more. We watched old ladies confidently step out in the middle of rush hour traffic, and make it across unscathed. I guess they just wanted it more.
During my exploration, I stopped at the Colosseum.
Many other guys stopped and toured here, but we each had our own experience today (especially regarding lunch), but mine was fantastic. I will be sad to leave Roma, but I hear Siena is even more beautiful (if that's possible).

O yeah, since the purpose of the tour is singing, our concert tonight at All Saints Church in Rome went very well, although only sparsely attended. The church was a great acoustical space to sing in, and the group concentrated very well despite being tired out from walking all over Rome today. All roads may lead to Rome, but that doesn't mean they're short...



  1. Great blog. I feel like I am with you guys on this tour. Great pictures and awesome narrative. Keep it up.

  2. Hey guys, I was wondering if someone would please pass on a message to the one and only Charlie Eichman from his girlfriend Annie and his mother to please please please go buy a phone card! We know he can buy one there and really needs to! And to buy one so he had enough mins to call both me and his mom. ok thanks lots! hope you guys are having fun! I'm sure you are! :) bye!
